Sunday, 16 June 2013

7 best exercises that will make you look and feel like a man

Walk into any commercial gym today and you’ll see the same thing over and over… overweight guy walks on the treadmill for 5 minutes, then hits the fly machine for a few sets, then he grabs the curl bar, stares into the mirror, and cranks out 3 sets of bicep curls. When he’s done with that, he grabs a squishy mat and does crunches for 10 minutes (all while checking out the cute chick on the elliptical). If this sounds like you, you’re in for a rude awakening…
Let’s think about this logically for a second. Hundreds of years ago we got exercise from sprinting through the woods and tracking down big game with a spear; now we’re sitting on a chromed out machine doing flys and calling it a workout? It’s time to ditch the BS and focus on compound muscle exercises that will jack your testosterone, help you look great, and make you feel like a real man.
Here are the 7 best exercises that will make you look and feel like a man:


What’s more manly than grabbing a bar with as much weight on it as you can possibly lift and ripping it off of the ground? The deadlift requires true max effort, demanding all of your focus and strength. Not only that, but the deadlift is the surest path to a powerful and strong appearance. This results from its emphasis on the glutes, legs, and back while being the best overall body developer in your fitness arsenal. Learn how to deadlift!


As men, we sometimes feel as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Well, get used to bearing some weight by stepping under the squat bar! The squat will give you legs that are pillars of strength and a torso that is rock solid. So make like Atlas and squat big! If you avoid squats because you’re an “upperbody only” type guy, then it’s time to reevaluate your workout and make a serious change. Squatting heavy and deep will make you look and feel like a warrior.

Push Press/Shoulder Press

If pulling as much weight as possible off of the ground with the deadlift is the exercise that makes you feel most manly, then pushing as much weight as you can overhead is a close second. The bench press is given far too much credit. I struggle to think of a scenario in life where we are we caught with our back braced to the floor and a heavy weight extended towards the ceiling. However, the functionality of pushing weight overhead from a standing position is undeniable. Need to put that heavy box in your attic? Or help lift your buddy over a high fence when it’s time to escape and evade? The push press will help you move heavy objects to high places and give you the round, broad shoulders that make women swoon.

Sled Drag

With a rope, chain, or nylon strap, hook yourself up to a shoulder harness or belt connected to a heavy object like a tire or weighted sled. Now lean forward, start stepping, and pull! Not only will your legs be pushed to the maximum, your heart and lungs will crank at top speed. Enjoy the heart pounding sensation and know that you are training like a real man.

Sledge Hammer Drills

Manual labor is well, manly. And in modern society’s sea of white collars and cubicles, it pays to create some physical work when your paycheck doesn’t require it. Repeatedly slam the sledge hammer with all of your might into an old tire or some soft earth. Your back, shoulders, midsection, and forearms will benefit and sledge hammer drills are great for stress relief.

Sandbag Clean

Another throw back to manual labor, the sandbag clean is a great exercise for overall physical development a well as grip strength. If your sandbag has handles, don’t use them. Just grip the bag by the cloth and work on developing some man-hands. Strong grip = Strong man.

Weighted Pull-Ups

I’d love it if the common gym question of “How much can you bench?” was replaced by “How many pull-ups can you do?” The problem is that most guys cheat the pull-up by failing to fully extend their arms at the bottom or get their chin above the bar at the top. If you can knock out 10 honest pull ups, try adding some weight. You can use a weight belt and hang some plates from it, pinch a dumbbell between your ankles, wear a weighted vest or back back, or put your wife or girlfriend on your back if you’re (and they’re) up to it. Adding weight to the pull-up will help add width to the back and give you the tapered V-shaped look.

Take a look at this great muscle building program.



Saturday, 1 June 2013

How to get thinner thighs

The Figure Method For Thinner Thighs

Oh, those exclusive thin thighs! What we all wouldn't do to have them! Cindy Sites, founder of The Figure Method and owner of Go Figure Fitness Studios, says it’s time to put away the Spanx and put her six best thigh-thinning moves into practice. Yes, you can have enviable ballerina legs – no equipment required. Here’s how.

Go Figure

Cindy Sites has heard request after request from her clients looking for long, lean dancer's legs. The classically trained ballerina and former Lotte Berk instructor founded Go Figure and The Figure Method 10 years ago to give clients an effective and fun workout that doesn't require heavy weights or equipment. The Figure Method is a unique hybrid of yoga, Pilates, isometric exercises and classical ballet that tones, strengthens, tightens and lifts.

The secret to thinner thighs

Get off the abductor and adductor machines and use your own body weight to achieve leaner legs. The secret to thinner thighs, according to Sites, is a three-dimensional approach to your lower body movements.
"I view thighs from three directions: front (quadriceps), rear (hamstrings) and outer (gluteus minimus -- that pretty little hollow in the outer seat area)," says the fitness expert. "In order to develop beautifully toned thighs in 3D, I recommend the five leg exercises below, ending with a luxurious stretch to elongate the muscles you've just worked and say hello to beautiful, lengthened thighs!"

6 Moves to thinner thighs

Forward Leg Lift

Forward leg lift

This move, a variation on the ballet battement, tones quadriceps (front of the upper leg) and adductors, which make up the inner thigh area and are one of the weakest muscle groups in a woman's body. The forward leg lift creates muscles that are toned and lengthened, not big and bulky.
Start position: Stand with your back against the ballet barre or chair, stairway bannister, kitchen counter -- basically anywhere you can find balance.
Movement: Extend one leg and lift and lower in a challenging range of motion, toes pointed, 20 times. Flex the foot and do 20 more reps. Switch to the opposite leg and repeat.
Reverse Leg Lift (also known as ballet arabesque)

Reverse leg lift (also known as ballet arabesque)

The reverse leg lift uses the same principle as the forward leg lift, but works the glutes and hamstrings (the back of the upper leg). While doing this exercise, you should feel a contraction in the entire back of the leg, from the glute to the ankle.
Start position: Stand next to the ballet barre, chair or other point of balance, holding lightly with your right hand.
Movement: Bend your left knee slightly and raise the right leg in a challenging range of motion, toes pointed, 20 times. Flex the foot, and do 20 more reps. Switch sides and repeat with the left leg.

Ballet First Position (also called plié)

Ballet first position (also called plié)

The plié is arguably the most famous ballet position for a reason: it's a fantastic workout for the entire leg, targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings and glute muscles.
Start position: Squat, heels lifted and touching, knees spread to create a diamond shape between your heels and your pelvis.
Movement: Lift up and down one inch, never moving your rear below your knees. Repeat 20 times. Break for a moment and repeat.
Note: Those with knee sensitivity should opt out of first position and proceed to second position.
Ballet Second Position (also a plie)

Ballet second position (also a plié)

This variation on the plié is a very effective total leg workout. Make sure your heels are lifted (ballet term: relevé) the entire time to feel the full effect.
Start position: Squat with knees facing out, facing your barre or point of balance. Lift your heels and adjust your position until you feel that your leg muscles are fully engaged.
Movement: Hold the position for 60 seconds; or lift yourself up one inch, down one inch, never moving your rear below your knees. Repeat 20 times. Break for a moment and repeat.
Hamstring Press (called a ballet attitude position)

Hamstring press (called a ballet attitude position)

This move is excellent for toning and strengthening the back of the thighs (hamstrings).
Start position: Stand with arms lifted in front of you, one knee slightly bent and the other leg behind you at a 90 degree angle.
Movement: With your toes pointed, lower the leg so that your toe touches the floor, then come back to the 90 degree angle. Repeat 20 times. Break momentarily and repeat 20 more times, with your foot flexed. Then repeat on the opposite leg.
Runner's Lunge

Runner's lunge

After contracting the thigh muscles with the above exercises, it's important to give yourself a great stretch to lengthen the muscle. This position stretches out the back of the leg and thigh and is a perfect way to end a rigorous workout.
Stretch: With your right leg at a 90 degree angle and right foot firmly planted, extend the left leg behind you, being sure to keep your left heel lifted. Fold your arms into a prayer position and hold. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Click here for more information on how to get thinner thighs

How to reduce breast size naturally

Your body is very precious and you need to take care of it. Every men and women needs to be careful about their body weight and health as a whole. Especially women who have bad proportion breast size.

 These women are wondering on how to reduce breast size naturally. It is better if it is done naturally and not take some reducing pills.
There are various ways on how to reduce breast size naturally so that a woman may have great breasts. Here are two of them and you need to follow these to have wonderful breast:
The first step on how to reduce breast size naturally is by eating the right kind of food. Eat more fruits and vegetables for these have the natural substances that will take away fats in our bodies. Eating them regularly will surely help in keeping the right size of a woman’s breast and body too. Drink lots of fruits juices for this will keep your body fit and healthy. Eating more vegetables will also keep your body healthy. This is because fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods that are great for your body and mind too.
The second step is to exercise daily. The best exercise for reducing fats in your breast, arms and forearms is by putting your arms out and back for an hour or so. Another exercise is by putting your arms up and down too for another hour. This will certainly keep your veins alive and burn the fats in your breast as well in your arms. Running and walking daily in the morning for an hour will surely burn fats all around your body. This will burn fats in your breast also. It will help in reducing your breast size to the normal level.

For more information on how to reduce breast size naturally click here
